Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 3 The Blue Time and Christmas

Yesterday, my husband came home from work so in awe about the atmosphere, the colors, the peacefulness of the dusk that day. I missed it! I was at a computer at the Family History Library. After listening to him speak about how unique and special it was, I recalled how I love that time of day...I call it "the blue time". I used to make it a point to go outside every day during this very fleeting time and just take it all in.
The burning sun has set and the dark night has not yet arrived...there is just these few precious moments of perfect blue. On some days the blue time is not very blue, though, for some reason. So last night's dusk was ... was like this picture....So see if you can jump into this picture and feel what it might be like. Or wait until tonight's blue time and go outside and experience it.
Put it on your schedule:

The Blue Time

Go Outside

Of course, the blue time's time changes a bit every day so you have to be in tune with that.

By the way, the Pat Coil CD called "Peaceful Christmas" is piano music...gorgeous!
Today when I woke up, the first thing that popped into my head was the song "I'll Have a Blue Christmas Without You". So that is today's song.
Yes, I am that we lost Charlotte this year and that we lost Sandy this year.
But that is OK. God's favorite color is blue, you know. Why do I say this? Because the biggest color in the world is blue...the sky!
And Sandy and Charlotte are in aplace where there are even prettier colors and they are waiting for us. Because of Christ, we will all be together again! Now that is the best present of all!

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