Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ice Candles Day 10

I love to make ice candles. Just fill a balloon with water and set it in a bowl (the flat bottom of the bowl will make the ice globe flat on the bottom, too, so it will be stable on your table). Put in freezer. Then watch it in the freezer, checking on a few hours, it will have a hard shell....with sloshy water inside. Take it out of the freezer, and peel the balloon off and put your globe under the faucet and run some water  on the top so it makes a howl. This is where you insert the votive candle. My ice candle below got almost all solid so I had to use warm running water to carve a middle space in it to place my votive candle in it. Make several ahead of time. Put in a plastic bag in the freezer. You can even reuse them if they do not melt completely during your meal (and they won't). Kids love to look at these and touch the cold ice and enjoy the flickering candle light.

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